Preamble The pharmacy program is designed to produce skilled and efficient professionals to manage pharmaceutical industries, hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy services and other government body related to health services and research organizations. Students following successful completion of this program will be able to pursue higher studies and work at home and abroad.

The core courses of the curriculum comprise the following areas:

1. Pharmaceutical Technology & Pharmaceutics: It includes Introduction to Pharmacy, Physical Pharmacy (Physical Chemistry), Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutics, Industrial Pharmacy, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.

2.Pharmaceutical Microbiology: GMP, Microbial contamination of factory, and product, sterilization, synthesis and assessment of antibiotic.

3. Pharmaceutical Chemistry: It includes Inorganic Pharmacy, Organic Pharmacy, and Medicinal Chemistry, Analysis and Quality control.

4. Pharmacology: It includes General Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacy, Drug Interaction and Toxicology.

5.Pharmacognosy: It deals with various aspects of Natural crude Drugs and other economic Product of Pharmaceutical interest of plant origin.

6.Physiology, Anatomy and Pathology: These course are included to form the basis of the Pharmacology course given in the advanced years of the study.

7.Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: It is imcorporated for better understanding of the advanced Pharmacology course.

8.Bio-statistics and Computer Science: It is required for Pharmaceutical and statistical analysis and Interpretation of Biological studies and experimental results.

9.Pharmaceutical Marketing and Managements: The courses of this category are needed for the development of skill to face the tough challenge of marketing and management of Pharmaceutical products.

10.Pharmacy Law and Ethics: These courses are incorporated to impart the knowledge required for handling the matters within the requirement of govt. legistation and professional ethics.

11.Hospital Pharmacy: It includes Hospital Pharmacy and Community Pharmacy and related subjects.

12. Besides these, English as language course is to be offered to impart the additional knowledge which are believed to be helpful in the practical life of a student.

N.B.: The course curriculum for B. Pharm program may be revised at any time to meet the global demand. The revised curriculum will be submitted to the competent authority, if required as per Private University Act.

Eligibility for Admission: The minimum qualifications for admission into the undergraduate program are:

Academic Qualifications:

Students seeking admission to pursue the course for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy should have passed both the SSC & HSC with at least total GPA 6 from Science group having Chemistry & Biology. The minimum GPA in either SSC or HSC should be 2.5. Students who have passed 5 subjects in ‘O’ level and 2 subjects in ‘A’ level from science background with Chemistry and Biology for admission in B.Pharm program.

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