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is an educational establishment that is located at Kuchiamora Mowlavi Bazar Sandwip . Its Educational Institute Identification Number or EIIN, is . On 01 July, 1988, it was first put into operation. The alternative name for is মুস্তাফিজুর রহমান ডিগ্রী কলেজ. The institution provides education in the following fields: , , . Its MPO number is 212023201.

It operates on Day shift(s). Its management is Governing body. Its recognition is Recognized by the government and the recognition level is Degree. The school/college has MPO level with MPO number 212023201 and the MPO type is Yes. is under Chittagong Education Board. While many other high schools teach numerous disciplines, you can find the major disciplines that they teach in this high school as , , .

The management type of this institute is Governing body. The region in which it is located is Grameen with geographic location as Coastal Area. The institute is in the constituency no 3. Average age of the teachers at is 47 years.

Mustafizur Rahman (deg)college is affiliated with National University. The college code for this institute is 4339. This college offer following Honours and Pass courses under the National University: B. A. (pass) (6001), B. S. S. (pass) (6002), B. B. S. (pass) (6004), Management (2601).

The college was established in 1988. It has been the biggest non Government college in sandwip. It is built on a land area of 3.64 acers. There are approximately 900 hundred student in the college. Result in all public examination are all along satisfactory. As many as 24 teachers are working in this college.

Mustafizur Rahman (deg)college Basic Info

College (HSC) Admission 2023 Criteria
Version Shift Group Gender Minimum
2023-2024 Bangla Day Business Studies Co-education 2.00 0.00 280
2023-2024 Bangla Day Humanities Co-education 1.00 0.00 400
2023-2024 Bangla Day Science Co-education 3.00 0.00 100

Board Result

HSC Exam Result 2023
Mustafizur Rahman (deg)college HSC exam result 2023 is published. 368 students have appeared and 237 students have passed. Total 6 students have scored A+. Average passing rate in HSC 2023 is 64.40% and A+ rate is 1.63%.
Appeared368 A+6
Passed237 Failed131
Pass Rate64.4% A+ Rate1.6%
Board Rank152 National Rank4520
Pass Rate
A+ Rate
Board Year Appeared Passed Failed A+ Pass Rate A+ Rate National Rank Board Rank Division Rank District Rank
CHITTAGONG 2023 368 237 131 6 64.40% 1.63% 4520 152 836 225
Chittagong 2022 281 211 70 6 75.09% 2.14% 4418 136 881 209
Chittagong 2021 386 308 78 13 79.79% 3.37% 1732 130 339 96
Chittagong 2020 269 269 0 6 100.00% 2.23% 1665 110 275 89
Chittagong 2019 311 181 130 0 58.20% 0.00% 4297 128 820 216
Chittagong 2018 300 146 154 0 48.67% 0.00% 4395 190 888 275
Chittagong 2017 361 196 165 1 54.29% 0.28% 3825 123 664 210
Chittagong 2016 436 281 155 0 64.45% 0.00% 3607 93 630 189
Chittagong 2015 392 193 199 0 49.23% 0.00% 4183 162 735 240
Chittagong 2014 363 232 131 0 63.91% 0.00% 4313 123 780 218
Chittagong 2013 286 94 192 0 32.87% 0.00% 5271 180 914 266
Chittagong 2012 219 143 76 1 65.30% 0.46% 3316 121 772 212
Chittagong 2011 161 107 54 0 66.46% 0.00% 3346 121 691 213
Chittagong 2010 177 132 45 0 74.58% 0.00% 1372 72 393 143
Chittagong 2009 139 87 52 0 62.59% 0.00% 1840 136 454 184
Print Result
HSC result 2023

HSC result 2023 details: In 2023, 368 students appeared in HSC 2023 from the institute. Among them, 237 students have passed and 6 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 64.40% and A+ rate is 1.63%. 131 students have failed in HSC 2023 and the failure rate is 35.60%.

HSC result 2022

HSC result 2022 details: In 2022, 281 students appeared in HSC 2022 from the institute. Among them, 211 students have passed and 6 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 75.09% and A+ rate is 2.14%. 70 students have failed in HSC 2022 and the failure rate is 24.91%.

HSC result 2021

HSC result 2021 details: In 2021, 386 students appeared in HSC 2021 from the institute. Among them, 308 students have passed and 13 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 79.79% and A+ rate is 3.37%. 78 students have failed in HSC 2021 and the failure rate is 20.21%.

HSC result 2020

HSC result 2020 details: In 2020, 269 students appeared in HSC 2020 from the institute. Among them, 269 students have passed and 6 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 2.23%. 0 students have failed in HSC 2020 and the failure rate is 0.00%.

HSC result 2019

HSC result 2019 details: In 2019, 311 students appeared in HSC 2019 from the institute. Among them, 181 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 58.20% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 130 students have failed in HSC 2019 and the failure rate is 41.80%.

HSC result 2018

HSC result 2018 details: In 2018, 300 students appeared in HSC 2018 from the institute. Among them, 146 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 48.67% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 154 students have failed in HSC 2018 and the failure rate is 51.33%.

HSC result 2017

HSC result 2017 details: In 2017, 361 students appeared in HSC 2017 from the institute. Among them, 196 students have passed and 1 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 54.29% and A+ rate is 0.28%. 165 students have failed in HSC 2017 and the failure rate is 45.71%.

HSC result 2016

HSC result 2016 details: In 2016, 436 students appeared in HSC 2016 from the institute. Among them, 281 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 64.45% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 155 students have failed in HSC 2016 and the failure rate is 35.55%.

HSC result 2015

HSC result 2015 details: In 2015, 392 students appeared in HSC 2015 from the institute. Among them, 193 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 49.23% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 199 students have failed in HSC 2015 and the failure rate is 50.77%.

HSC result 2014

HSC result 2014 details: In 2014, 363 students appeared in HSC 2014 from the institute. Among them, 232 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 63.91% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 131 students have failed in HSC 2014 and the failure rate is 36.09%.

HSC result 2013

HSC result 2013 details: In 2013, 286 students appeared in HSC 2013 from the institute. Among them, 94 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 32.87% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 192 students have failed in HSC 2013 and the failure rate is 67.13%.

HSC result 2012

HSC result 2012 details: In 2012, 219 students appeared in HSC 2012 from the institute. Among them, 143 students have passed and 1 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 65.30% and A+ rate is 0.46%. 76 students have failed in HSC 2012 and the failure rate is 34.70%.

HSC result 2011

HSC result 2011 details: In 2011, 161 students appeared in HSC 2011 from the institute. Among them, 107 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 66.46% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 54 students have failed in HSC 2011 and the failure rate is 33.54%.

HSC result 2010

HSC result 2010 details: In 2010, 177 students appeared in HSC 2010 from the institute. Among them, 132 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 74.58% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 45 students have failed in HSC 2010 and the failure rate is 25.42%.

HSC result 2009

HSC result 2009 details: In 2009, 139 students appeared in HSC 2009 from the institute. Among them, 87 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 62.59% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 52 students have failed in HSC 2009 and the failure rate is 37.41%.

Term Result



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