Mirzapur Basir Uddin Degree College is an educational establishment that is located at Deulpara Mithapukur Rangpur. Its Educational Institute Identification Number or EIIN, is 127668. On 03 July, 1994, it was first put into operation. The alternative name for Mirzapur Basir Uddin Degree College is মির্জাপুর বছির উদ্দিন কলেজ.
Its MPO number is 9105083201. Mirzapur Basir Uddin Degree College is under Dinajpur Education Board. Average age of the teachers at Mirzapur Basir Uddin Degree College is 49 years.
Mirzapur Basir Uddin Degree College is affiliated with National University. The college code for this institute is 3224. This college offer following Honours and Pass courses under the National University: B. A. (pass) (6001), B. S. S. (pass) (6002), B. B. S. (pass) (6004).
Mirzapur Basir uddin degree College is situated at 16 no. Mirzapur Union under the Mithapukur upazila in Rangpur district. International famous agriculturist Dr. Matlubur Rahman is the doner of this famous college. The assistance of Dr. Matlubur Rahman and alight person of this area ,this college is established in 1994 by the name of Dr. Matlubur Rahman’s Father “Basir uddin , This college continues its H.S.C level courses under Dinajpur education Board and B.A/B.S.S/B.B.S courses under National university. The Public examination result of this college is remarkable and Satisfactory . This college is surrounded by the beautiful Landscape.
Academic Year |
Version | Shift | Group | Gender | Minimum GPA |
Own GPA |
Total Seats |
2023-2024 | Bangla | Day | Business Studies | Co-education | 2.00 | 1.00 | 150 |
2023-2024 | Bangla | Day | Humanities | Co-education | 2.00 | 1.00 | 170 |
2023-2024 | Bangla | Day | Science | Co-education | 2.00 | 1.00 | 150 |
Appeared | 165 | A+ | 4 |
Passed | 110 | Failed | 55 |
Pass Rate | 66.7% | A+ Rate | 2.4% |
Board Rank | 359 | National Rank | 4599 |
Board | Year | Appeared | Passed | Failed | A+ | Pass Rate | A+ Rate | National Rank | Board Rank | Division Rank | District Rank |
Dinajpur | 2010 | 105 | 78 | 27 | 0 | 74.29% | 0.00% | 2538 | 375 | 461 | 145 |
Dinajpur | 2009 | 68 | 40 | 28 | 0 | 58.82% | 0.00% | 2682 | 588 | 712 | 261 |
Total | 173 | 118 | 68.21% | 55 | 0.32% | 0 |
SSC result 2010 details: In 2010, 105 students appeared in SSC 2010 from the institute. Among them, 78 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 74.29% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 27 students have failed in SSC 2010 and the failure rate is 25.71%.
SSC result 2009 details: In 2009, 68 students appeared in SSC 2009 from the institute. Among them, 40 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 58.82% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 28 students have failed in SSC 2009 and the failure rate is 41.18%.
Board | Year | Appeared | Passed | Failed | A+ | Pass Rate | A+ Rate | National Rank | Board Rank | Division Rank | District Rank |
Dinajpur | 2024 | 165 | 110 | 55 | 4 | 66.67% | 2.42% | 4599 | 359 | 761 | 171 |
Dinajpur | 2023 | 168 | 119 | 49 | 3 | 70.83% | 1.79% | 4425 | 286 | 694 | 161 |
Dinajpur | 2022 | 143 | 98 | 45 | 10 | 68.53% | 6.99% | 4990 | 353 | 748 | 166 |
Dinajpur | 2021 | 227 | 206 | 21 | 16 | 90.75% | 7.05% | 1976 | 177 | 179 | 41 |
Dinajpur | 2020 | 155 | 155 | 0 | 10 | 100.00% | 6.45% | 1974 | 183 | 217 | 65 |
Dinajpur | 2019 | 164 | 119 | 45 | 0 | 72.56% | 0.00% | 3441 | 253 | 567 | 126 |
Dinajpur | 2018 | 206 | 136 | 70 | 0 | 66.02% | 0.00% | 3113 | 164 | 484 | 122 |
Dinajpur | 2017 | 127 | 34 | 93 | 0 | 26.77% | 0.00% | 5354 | 558 | 950 | 198 |
Dinajpur | 2016 | 147 | 115 | 32 | 0 | 78.23% | 0.00% | 3171 | 164 | 457 | 114 |
Dinajpur | 2015 | 138 | 79 | 59 | 0 | 57.25% | 0.00% | 4080 | 401 | 763 | 170 |
Dinajpur | 2014 | 151 | 97 | 54 | 0 | 64.24% | 0.00% | 4675 | 370 | 783 | 172 |
Dinajpur | 2013 | 110 | 82 | 28 | 1 | 74.55% | 0.91% | 3573 | 214 | 582 | 123 |
Dinajpur | 2012 | 114 | 94 | 20 | 2 | 82.46% | 1.75% | 2314 | 120 | 317 | 62 |
Dinajpur | 2011 | 117 | 82 | 35 | 1 | 70.09% | 0.85% | 3161 | 169 | 491 | 92 |
Dinajpur | 2010 | 94 | 49 | 45 | 0 | 52.13% | 0.00% | 2772 | 280 | 490 | 104 |
Dinajpur | 2009 | 81 | 34 | 47 | 0 | 41.98% | 0.00% | 2607 | 251 | 443 | 93 |
Total | 2307 | 1609 | 69.74% | 698 | 0.30% | 47 |
HSC result 2024 details: In 2024, 165 students appeared in HSC 2024 from the institute. Among them, 110 students have passed and 4 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 66.67% and A+ rate is 2.42%. 55 students have failed in HSC 2024 and the failure rate is 33.33%.
HSC result 2023 details: In 2023, 168 students appeared in HSC 2023 from the institute. Among them, 119 students have passed and 3 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 70.83% and A+ rate is 1.79%. 49 students have failed in HSC 2023 and the failure rate is 29.17%.
HSC result 2022 details: In 2022, 143 students appeared in HSC 2022 from the institute. Among them, 98 students have passed and 10 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 68.53% and A+ rate is 6.99%. 45 students have failed in HSC 2022 and the failure rate is 31.47%.
HSC result 2021 details: In 2021, 227 students appeared in HSC 2021 from the institute. Among them, 206 students have passed and 16 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 90.75% and A+ rate is 7.05%. 21 students have failed in HSC 2021 and the failure rate is 9.25%.
HSC result 2020 details: In 2020, 155 students appeared in HSC 2020 from the institute. Among them, 155 students have passed and 10 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 6.45%. 0 students have failed in HSC 2020 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
HSC result 2019 details: In 2019, 164 students appeared in HSC 2019 from the institute. Among them, 119 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 72.56% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 45 students have failed in HSC 2019 and the failure rate is 27.44%.
HSC result 2018 details: In 2018, 206 students appeared in HSC 2018 from the institute. Among them, 136 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 66.02% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 70 students have failed in HSC 2018 and the failure rate is 33.98%.
HSC result 2017 details: In 2017, 127 students appeared in HSC 2017 from the institute. Among them, 34 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 26.77% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 93 students have failed in HSC 2017 and the failure rate is 73.23%.
HSC result 2016 details: In 2016, 147 students appeared in HSC 2016 from the institute. Among them, 115 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 78.23% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 32 students have failed in HSC 2016 and the failure rate is 21.77%.
HSC result 2015 details: In 2015, 138 students appeared in HSC 2015 from the institute. Among them, 79 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 57.25% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 59 students have failed in HSC 2015 and the failure rate is 42.75%.
HSC result 2014 details: In 2014, 151 students appeared in HSC 2014 from the institute. Among them, 97 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 64.24% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 54 students have failed in HSC 2014 and the failure rate is 35.76%.
HSC result 2013 details: In 2013, 110 students appeared in HSC 2013 from the institute. Among them, 82 students have passed and 1 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 74.55% and A+ rate is 0.91%. 28 students have failed in HSC 2013 and the failure rate is 25.45%.
HSC result 2012 details: In 2012, 114 students appeared in HSC 2012 from the institute. Among them, 94 students have passed and 2 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 82.46% and A+ rate is 1.75%. 20 students have failed in HSC 2012 and the failure rate is 17.54%.
HSC result 2011 details: In 2011, 117 students appeared in HSC 2011 from the institute. Among them, 82 students have passed and 1 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 70.09% and A+ rate is 0.85%. 35 students have failed in HSC 2011 and the failure rate is 29.91%.
HSC result 2010 details: In 2010, 94 students appeared in HSC 2010 from the institute. Among them, 49 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 52.13% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 45 students have failed in HSC 2010 and the failure rate is 47.87%.
HSC result 2009 details: In 2009, 81 students appeared in HSC 2009 from the institute. Among them, 34 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 41.98% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 47 students have failed in HSC 2009 and the failure rate is 58.02%.