Agarpur Altaf Memorial High School is an educational establishment that is located at Agarpur Agarpur Babuganj Barisal. Its Educational Institute Identification Number or EIIN, is 100393. The alternative name for Agarpur Altaf Memorial High School is আগরপুর আলতাফ মেমোরিয়াল মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়. Agarpur Altaf Memorial High School is under Barisal Education Board.
The institute is in the constituency no 1203. Average age of the teachers at Agarpur Altaf Memorial High School is 45 years.
Appeared | 170 | A+ | 15 |
Passed | 166 | Failed | 4 |
Pass Rate | 97.6% | A+ Rate | 8.8% |
Board Rank | 94 | National Rank | 2386 |
Board | Year | Appeared | Passed | Failed | A+ | Pass Rate | A+ Rate | National Rank | Board Rank | Division Rank | District Rank |
Barisal | 2019 | 214 | 213 | 1 | 18 | 99.53% | 8.41% | 996 | 47 | 48 | 23 |
Barisal | 2018 | 196 | 195 | 1 | 4 | 99.49% | 2.04% | 1486 | 165 | 169 | 62 |
Barisal | 2017 | 198 | 197 | 1 | 26 | 99.49% | 13.13% | 1614 | 86 | 90 | 39 |
Barisal | 2016 | 176 | 176 | 0 | 58 | 100.00% | 32.95% | 1009 | 61 | 65 | 27 |
Barisal | 2015 | 148 | 148 | 0 | 67 | 100.00% | 45.27% | 531 | 27 | 27 | 13 |
Barisal | 2014 | 141 | 141 | 0 | 35 | 100.00% | 24.82% | 947 | 76 | 85 | 25 |
Barisal | 2013 | 132 | 132 | 0 | 60 | 100.00% | 45.45% | 464 | 26 | 26 | 7 |
Barisal | 2012 | 109 | 109 | 0 | 11 | 100.00% | 10.09% | 828 | 66 | 67 | 29 |
Barisal | 2011 | 108 | 108 | 0 | 2 | 100.00% | 1.85% | 1152 | 105 | 108 | 44 |
Barisal | 2010 | 182 | 140 | 42 | 0 | 76.92% | 0.00% | 2423 | 437 | 568 | 243 |
Total | 1604 | 1559 | 97.19% | 45 | 0.03% | 281 |
JSC result 2019 details: In 2019, 214 students appeared in JSC 2019 from the institute. Among them, 213 students have passed and 18 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 99.53% and A+ rate is 8.41%. 1 students have failed in JSC 2019 and the failure rate is 0.47%.
JSC result 2018 details: In 2018, 196 students appeared in JSC 2018 from the institute. Among them, 195 students have passed and 4 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 99.49% and A+ rate is 2.04%. 1 students have failed in JSC 2018 and the failure rate is 0.51%.
JSC result 2017 details: In 2017, 198 students appeared in JSC 2017 from the institute. Among them, 197 students have passed and 26 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 99.49% and A+ rate is 13.13%. 1 students have failed in JSC 2017 and the failure rate is 0.51%.
JSC result 2016 details: In 2016, 176 students appeared in JSC 2016 from the institute. Among them, 176 students have passed and 58 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 32.95%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2016 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2015 details: In 2015, 148 students appeared in JSC 2015 from the institute. Among them, 148 students have passed and 67 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 45.27%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2015 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2014 details: In 2014, 141 students appeared in JSC 2014 from the institute. Among them, 141 students have passed and 35 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 24.82%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2014 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2013 details: In 2013, 132 students appeared in JSC 2013 from the institute. Among them, 132 students have passed and 60 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 45.45%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2013 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2012 details: In 2012, 109 students appeared in JSC 2012 from the institute. Among them, 109 students have passed and 11 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 10.09%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2012 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2011 details: In 2011, 108 students appeared in JSC 2011 from the institute. Among them, 108 students have passed and 2 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 1.85%. 0 students have failed in JSC 2011 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
JSC result 2010 details: In 2010, 182 students appeared in JSC 2010 from the institute. Among them, 140 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 76.92% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 42 students have failed in JSC 2010 and the failure rate is 23.08%.
Board | Year | Appeared | Passed | Failed | A+ | Pass Rate | A+ Rate | National Rank | Board Rank | Division Rank | District Rank |
BARISAL | 2024 | 170 | 166 | 4 | 15 | 97.65% | 8.82% | 2386 | 94 | 129 | 64 |
Barisal | 2023 | 186 | 174 | 12 | 22 | 93.55% | 11.83% | 2561 | 125 | 137 | 49 |
Barisal | 2022 | 225 | 211 | 14 | 27 | 93.78% | 12.00% | 3414 | 141 | 177 | 64 |
Barisal | 2021 | 253 | 225 | 28 | 18 | 88.93% | 7.11% | 2568 | 86 | 102 | 47 |
Barisal | 2020 | 203 | 115 | 88 | 4 | 56.65% | 1.97% | 11911 | 1088 | 1424 | 449 |
Barisal | 2019 | 169 | 145 | 24 | 3 | 85.80% | 1.78% | 6087 | 303 | 466 | 168 |
Barisal | 2018 | 196 | 184 | 12 | 3 | 93.88% | 1.53% | 1970 | 61 | 70 | 32 |
Barisal | 2017 | 161 | 101 | 60 | 1 | 62.73% | 0.62% | 9223 | 843 | 1007 | 415 |
Barisal | 2016 | 132 | 102 | 30 | 2 | 77.27% | 1.52% | 8057 | 611 | 808 | 316 |
Barisal | 2015 | 104 | 104 | 0 | 10 | 100.00% | 9.62% | 1573 | 47 | 88 | 32 |
Barisal | 2014 | 101 | 101 | 0 | 8 | 100.00% | 7.92% | 2469 | 62 | 96 | 44 |
Barisal | 2013 | 83 | 83 | 0 | 14 | 100.00% | 16.87% | 1077 | 34 | 50 | 17 |
Barisal | 2012 | 71 | 71 | 0 | 8 | 100.00% | 11.27% | 1431 | 41 | 57 | 23 |
Barisal | 2011 | 63 | 61 | 2 | 7 | 96.83% | 11.11% | 1746 | 55 | 101 | 38 |
Barisal | 2010 | 91 | 70 | 21 | 0 | 76.92% | 0.00% | 2398 | 474 | 535 | 267 |
Barisal | 2009 | 80 | 58 | 22 | 0 | 72.50% | 0.00% | 1749 | 226 | 337 | 183 |
Total | 2288 | 1971 | 86.15% | 317 | 0.14% | 142 |
SSC result 2024 details: In 2024, 170 students appeared in SSC 2024 from the institute. Among them, 166 students have passed and 15 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 97.65% and A+ rate is 8.82%. 4 students have failed in SSC 2024 and the failure rate is 2.35%.
SSC result 2023 details: In 2023, 186 students appeared in SSC 2023 from the institute. Among them, 174 students have passed and 22 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 93.55% and A+ rate is 11.83%. 12 students have failed in SSC 2023 and the failure rate is 6.45%.
SSC result 2022 details: In 2022, 225 students appeared in SSC 2022 from the institute. Among them, 211 students have passed and 27 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 93.78% and A+ rate is 12.00%. 14 students have failed in SSC 2022 and the failure rate is 6.22%.
SSC result 2021 details: In 2021, 253 students appeared in SSC 2021 from the institute. Among them, 225 students have passed and 18 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 88.93% and A+ rate is 7.11%. 28 students have failed in SSC 2021 and the failure rate is 11.07%.
SSC result 2020 details: In 2020, 203 students appeared in SSC 2020 from the institute. Among them, 115 students have passed and 4 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 56.65% and A+ rate is 1.97%. 88 students have failed in SSC 2020 and the failure rate is 43.35%.
SSC result 2019 details: In 2019, 169 students appeared in SSC 2019 from the institute. Among them, 145 students have passed and 3 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 85.80% and A+ rate is 1.78%. 24 students have failed in SSC 2019 and the failure rate is 14.20%.
SSC result 2018 details: In 2018, 196 students appeared in SSC 2018 from the institute. Among them, 184 students have passed and 3 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 93.88% and A+ rate is 1.53%. 12 students have failed in SSC 2018 and the failure rate is 6.12%.
SSC result 2017 details: In 2017, 161 students appeared in SSC 2017 from the institute. Among them, 101 students have passed and 1 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 62.73% and A+ rate is 0.62%. 60 students have failed in SSC 2017 and the failure rate is 37.27%.
SSC result 2016 details: In 2016, 132 students appeared in SSC 2016 from the institute. Among them, 102 students have passed and 2 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 77.27% and A+ rate is 1.52%. 30 students have failed in SSC 2016 and the failure rate is 22.73%.
SSC result 2015 details: In 2015, 104 students appeared in SSC 2015 from the institute. Among them, 104 students have passed and 10 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 9.62%. 0 students have failed in SSC 2015 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
SSC result 2014 details: In 2014, 101 students appeared in SSC 2014 from the institute. Among them, 101 students have passed and 8 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 7.92%. 0 students have failed in SSC 2014 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
SSC result 2013 details: In 2013, 83 students appeared in SSC 2013 from the institute. Among them, 83 students have passed and 14 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 16.87%. 0 students have failed in SSC 2013 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
SSC result 2012 details: In 2012, 71 students appeared in SSC 2012 from the institute. Among them, 71 students have passed and 8 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 100.00% and A+ rate is 11.27%. 0 students have failed in SSC 2012 and the failure rate is 0.00%.
SSC result 2011 details: In 2011, 63 students appeared in SSC 2011 from the institute. Among them, 61 students have passed and 7 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 96.83% and A+ rate is 11.11%. 2 students have failed in SSC 2011 and the failure rate is 3.17%.
SSC result 2010 details: In 2010, 91 students appeared in SSC 2010 from the institute. Among them, 70 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 76.92% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 21 students have failed in SSC 2010 and the failure rate is 23.08%.
SSC result 2009 details: In 2009, 80 students appeared in SSC 2009 from the institute. Among them, 58 students have passed and 0 students have scored GPA 5. The passing rate is 72.50% and A+ rate is 0.00%. 22 students have failed in SSC 2009 and the failure rate is 27.50%.